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London City Councilor, Ward 13


Dear Residents,
I am honoured to have been elected and entrusted to serve my first term as a City Councillor representing Ward 13. I live in the ward, in Oxford Park, with my daughter and partner, and I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and members of our community.
I am an alumnus of Fanshawe College and the University of Western Ontario. I hold an Ontario College Certificate from Fanshawe, and Bachelor of Science (BSc), Honours Specialization in Biology, and Bachelor of Arts (BA), Honours Specialization in Political Science degrees from the University of Western Ontario. Furthermore, I am a graduate of the University of York, UK, where I obtained a Distinguished Master of Arts (MA) in International Political Economy.
As a resident of Ward 13, I am passionate about dedicating my role to the people, the growing communities, and local businesses within the ward. I am committed to working towards London’s goals for housing affordability, reducing and preventing homelessness, improving transit, protecting our environment, enhancing mobility, and creating an accessible, diverse, and welcoming London. I work for the residents of the ward and the city to ensure we have an affordable, sustainable, and connected London that is inclusive and diverse, with energetic neighbourhoods, thriving local businesses, and community-oriented initiatives.

Appointments to Council committees

  • Civic Works Committee 
  • Community and Protective Services Committee (Vice Chair)
  • Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee

Local agencies, boards, commissions and other organizations

  • Covent Garden Market Board
  • Dearness Home Committee of Management (Chair)
  • Governance Working Group
  • London Transit Commission
  • London Downtown BIA
  • RBC Place London Board
  • County/City Liaison Committee (alternate)

Latest News

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December Newsletter

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November Newsletter

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